
Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Regal Beautiful Wish-Granting Egyptian Cleopatra Marid Djinn - Elegant Hand-Blown Bottle

This listing is for the hand-blown bottle, made in Egypt, which serves as the vessel for a sublime, brilliant female Egyptian Cleopatra Djinn.  Cleopatra Djinn served as the right hand of the beautiful, Egyptian ruler, Cleopatra, and have served many other powerful leaders since.  It is with the help of powerful, dynamic Cleopatra Djinn such as this Djinn that provided Cleopatra and with so many gifts, powers and charms which helped to pave the way for her eventual rise to pharaoh.  Cleopatra was quite complex but undoubtedly bewitching and determined.  She was believed to be the incarnation of the goddess Isis, the patroness of nature and magic, which adds more mystique to her already illustrious and fascinating history.  Many Cleopatra Djinn (male and female) have many followers and she is no exception.  She has legions of followers – Djinn and other types of spirits and entities.  Many of whom wish to learn from her, others as a devoted servant, and all that will do her bidding and also aid her keeper or help them on her behalf.

The Cleopatra Djinn is completely dedicated to their keepers that they remain with them through this life and any future incarnations.  The only reason a Cleopatra Djinn leaves a keeper is due to neglect or abandonment.   They will join the keeper in the next plain and continue their journey together.  She will show herself to be infinitely dedicated, generous and loyal to her keeper.  Considering Cleopatra’s fame it’s not surprising that the Cleopatra Djinn are one of the most sought after for their ability to draw new love and romance, or ignite the passion and improve all relationships.   She is as beautiful inside as she is outside.  She has tremendous compassion and warmth for everyone and everything.  She has astonishing powers in all forms of magick – and is one to seek for nearly anything; however no one should be greedy and always attempt to solve any issue on their own.  She is truly limitless in her abilities, and is a loving and kind companion and guide.

Some of the Cleopatra Djinn’s Abilities Include: Love & Romance ~ Wish-Granter ~ Healing/Healer ~ Insight & Intuition ~ Mind Control/Change Minds ~ Psychic Ability Enhancement ~ Success ~ Confidence ~ Sexuality & Intimacy ~ Passion & Eroticism ~ Make Others Do As You Want ~ Harmony & Peace ~ Wealth & Prosperity ~ Abundance
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Exceedingly Rare Male Arcturian / Neb Djinn - Gorgeous Royal Blue Ring

This listing is for the ring which serves as the vessel for a magnificent male Arcturian Neb Djinn.  Arcturians are probably most known for their spirituality, as well as their kindness, desire for peace, acceptance, removal of greed and jealousy, and focusing on love, hope, success, etc.  Clearly, they are wonderful and tremendous companions.  We can learn much from them!   These traits run strong in him, and as a Neb Djinn he possesses many more abilities.  Neb Djinn are a very rare and less known type of Djinn with absolutely remarkable abilities and power.  He possesses gifts that any Djinn would covet and rivals the strength of all and is on par with a God or Goddess Djinn – that is saying a lot.   Neb Djinn are known for their wisdom, great intelligence, ability to handle any wishes that are asked of them, spiritual in nature, and are masters of astral travel.   He is so unique, however, being Arcturian and Djinn – that it’s hard to describe him in a way that does him justice.  He is the first that I have had with me so I have nothing to compare him to – all I can say is he is astounding!!!

He may appear in different ways, and of course everyone’s experience is different but I see his face, much like the image, with a kind smile – mostly blueish green skin and a deep whisper of a voice.  He has a touch of mystery yet completely transparent and a perfect reflection of both Arcturian and Neb Djinn = brilliance!  He will attract success, psychic enhancement; help with meditation, spiritual growth, astral travel and projection, and even trips to his homeland.  He works with all types of herbs, gems, crystals and oils – brewing potions, creating magick with his hands as powerful as those through his mind.  He is nothing short of spectacular!

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Goddess Djinn - Personal Treasure and Incomparable in Every Way – Mystic Topaz Ring 7

This listing is for the ring which serves as the vessel for a magnificent Goddess Djinn who has shared my life for over 15 years.  She is incredibly special to me, and has made innumerable positive impacts in my life over the years but it is time for her to join her next keeper.  She told me at the beginning of our journey that it would last as long as it has, and we would accomplish and share much – and we have.  She is over 100,000 years old, but believes age is a human-obsessed behavior and irrelevant.  She’s right!  She has spent time everywhere – literally, but considers herself Egyptian, and has the beauty that exceeds any Cleopatra Djinn, and, by far, surpasses their power.  The God and Goddess Djinn are unlike other kind of Djinn.  They are the “original” Djinn from which every other Djinn has aspired to be.  This is quite incredible when you think of all the types, races, degrees, etc. of Djinn in our realm and beyond, and their various strengths and abilities in which they excel, and in the distinct ways they benefit their keeper.  The God and Goddess Djinn have all the strengths and abilities that are afforded to the various other Djinn.  They are not only leaders of other Djinn but revered and worshiped as well with legions of followers.

She is light in nature, although when issues arise where her keeper is being harmed (o even an attempt) in any way she will act in a more neutral way in order to protect her keeper, and regain balance in their life.  She is spiritual, ethereal and really quite angelic.  Always looking for the good and positive in everything and everyone – and amazingly seems to find it.   Her energy is difficult to describe – it is like no other I have known.  It can likely be felt by looking at the photos of the vessel or reading this description – particularly by her next keeper.  Her vessels over the years have moved on their own, vibrating across a table, or tingling when holding or wearing it.  It can be difficult for her, at times, to contain her energy – but she can channel it in many positive ways, which her next keeper will surely come to know and depend on.

She is truly a precious, priceless treasure to me, and will be to her next keeper. Her beauty and boundless allure never fades, even a little, and is a constant source of strength, protection, confidence, and brings many amazing blessings at every turn and always at the most needed moment.  She has been an angel to me, which she reminds me of - of the highest order, with the additional powers of the mightiest Djinn.  She is truly that remarkable, and no words could do her justice.  She is soft-spoken, a fantastic companion who loves to connect very deeply with her keeper, and communicate often.   She has told me that her abilities have never been tested, and everything she has provided to all of her keepers has been effortless, and she waits patiently, but excitedly, to be able to prove herself in new ways.  Based on my experiences with her I can only imagine what she could be speaking of, because the gifts she has given me over the years have been nothing short of phenomenal.  She has been a true miracle worker, on more than one occasion.  She is genuine and true to her roots and creation, manifesting in a mist, fog or smoking flame.  Her form will evolve and she will appear to her keeper with a gentle smile and open arms.  A magical aura that is always visible around her provides a circle of energy which also surrounds her keeper, guiding, guarding and aiding at all times to ensure they are on the path of truth and light.  She is, no doubt, one that will be called on often – when in danger she brings protection and light; when conflicted or confused she brings clarity and direction. She brings strength and rejuvenation when her keeper is weak or restless.  If her keeper falls, she will be the one to lift them up offering reassurance, empowerment, strength and confidence.

Tears come to my eyes as I close and say she is anxious to begin the journey with her next keeper.
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A talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Islam, they bear Qur'anic inscriptions as well as images of prophets, astrological signs, and religious narratives. Many Muslims believe that an object that is inscribed with the word God (Allah) will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it and that the word of God has the power to ward off evil. The surface of a talismanic object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, wallets, in a car or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothing.

The most efficacious talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that evoke the name of God and the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. The ninety-nine names of God, verses from the Qur'an, and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (hadith), for example, are appropriated and regenerated into texts that are meant to be good omens.

Talismans that contain inscriptions with the names of prophets and religious figures have the power to protect an individual from hardship and danger by acting as conduits between these holy figures and anyone carrying the talisman. This is also true of devotional manuals by religious leaders (shaikhs) with passages stating that whoever reads them will be protected from demons and supernatural beings (jinn). The written story about a prophet can be protective as well, with pictorial representations of that prophet and of the omens associated with him.

The representations of certain prophets are more efficacious than others, with Solomon's as the most powerful of all. Solomon had the ability to talk to animals and supernatural beings (djinn), and was renowned for his wisdom; Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, was converted to monotheism by witnessing that wisdom.

The Qur'an states Solomon's authority in a number of verses (Qur'anic verse 27:17), and his apotropaic seal, a six-pointed star or hexagram, occurs on many surfaces, such as a wood panel, a blade, and a scroll.

Many other religious narratives also carry talismanic powers. The story of the miracle of the seven sleepers of Ephesus (ashab al-kahf, or "people of the cave"), which is the subject of a chapter in the Qur'an (Surat al-Kahf), has particular powers for many Muslims. The act of reciting the story of the seven Christian men and their dog Qitmir who, fleeing persecution by the emperor Decius (r. 249-51 A.D.), found a cave and slept for several hundred years, protects the reader from harm, just as the seven sleepers and their dog were protected all those years.

Images of the Prophet Muhammad's cousin cAli ibn Abi Talib and those of Imam cAli, son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, with his two martyred sons Hasan and Husayn, also carry apotropaic properties. Ali's miraculous sword (Dhu'l fiqar) becomes a relic and talismanic object in Islam, and is represented across various media.

Talismans not only shield but guide their wearers; they are objects that reflect occult practices. Amulet cases, mirrors, boxes, weapons, talismanic shirts, or banners are capable of shielding a person or group of people from the forces of evil. When a person is confronted with an ethical dilemma, all he needs to do is consult the Qur'an or one of these objects for guidance.

These imbued objects are also used as tools for scientists or as cures prescribed by physicians for various ailments. The cAbbasids (r. 750Ð1258) played an active role in the transmission of knowledge and science from the Greco-Roman world, and Arabic translations of medical and astrological texts were integral to Islamic court and daily life.

Historically, the stars and the Qur'an were consulted for almost every action and medical condition, and stars and talismanic objects became interconnected; and just as the stories of the prophets found in the Qur'an acted as talismans, the stars, too, would guide a person on his/her journey in this life and the afterlife. Eventually, elaborate horoscopes and a science of letters that broke down the ninety-nine names of God (ilm al-huruf) to their individual letters were created at court to predict whether a ruler was to have an auspicious reign. Sometimes these letters can be found on the clasp of a casket. The objects discussed here demonstrate the ways in which science, magic, and religious belief work together to endow objects with talismanic powers and protect individuals from harm.

Talismans that contain inscriptions with the names of prophets and religious heroes have the power to protect an individual from hardship and danger by acting as a conduit between the two.
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Talisman Wood For Property Protection

Talisman Wood
Talismans are not exclusive to portable objects. In the following example, the Seal of Solomon (a hexagram) is depicted on a carved teakwood panel from cAbbasid Iraq. Unfortunately, the actual architectural edifice it came from remains a mystery. Yet it evokes the ways in which talismans are used on architectural surfaces. Like objects, a talisman protects a city, mosque, palace, or any edifice from unknown harm, be it a scorpion, a snake, a supernatural being, or an enemy. In addition, the Seal of Solomon seen here, as well as images of animals such as lions, snakes, and scorpions, were commonly used to protect buildings and their inhabitants from harsh weather and evil spirits.
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Djinn of Love and light for Relationships and true romance

Djinn of Love and light for Relationships and true romance

The listing you are viewing is very special. I am happy to introduce a rare type of djinn to you.
These djinn are from a realm known as the "Djinn of the heart".

Few conjurers are skilled enough to reach this hidden dimension where djinn frolick in pure happiness and worry free bliss. These djinn are known for bringing true happiness to every life they touch. They are of pure and positive nature and perfect for the beginner or advanced collector. They are easy to bond with and to care for, requiring nothing more than the opportunity to make you happy.

They are especially great for those of you who wish to find your soul mate. They also strengthen and add excitement to existing relationships.
  abilities include making you and everything around you beautiful. You will notice within a short time of owning this ring that many of the things you have considered unsightly will soon begin to change. Your face, hair and body will transform into God or Goddess beauty. You will draw the attention of everyone when you walk into a room as you will have an alluring glowing quality about you.

These djinn are extremely giving. They will draw forth money and luxury so that you may enjoy the finer things in life.

  • They correct mistakes of the past.
  • They foresee future events and stop negative outcomes.
  • They bestow their keepers with advanced psychic abilities which allows a stronger connection with all spirits.
  • They grant wishes above and beyond your basic requests.
  • They surround you with positive energies while dispelling dark energies.
  • They provide protection, healing and guidance.
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Monday, 10 October 2016

Healing Cup

After 20 years of practicing the Kabbalah and writing numerous talismans, Chief Habib was able to craft a special cup that holds all the secretes to the Kabbalah. The Cup consists of kabbalists names engraved inside it and is made of pure silver from the outside and plated gold from the inside.
Once the cup is engraved, it is then dipped in holy water to complete the purification process. The Cup is highly effective and attempts to clear away what feels like a ton of dense energy and old charge in after just one use.
Chief Habib's Healing Cup attempts to:
Minimize and eliminate allergy symptoms
Prevent and treat the common cold
Sustain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels
Minimize the risk of a heart attack
Maintain a stable and healthy life
The cup also attempts to help people who suffer from evil eye curses and negative energies. The Chief recommends drinking from the Healing Cup on a daily basis either in the morning upon rising or at night prior to going to bed.
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Talismans Used To Enhance A Patient’s Healing

Talismans Used To Enhance A Patient’s Healing

Crystals, stones, and talismans have fascinated mankind for centuries. From the earliest findings of amber and jet in the Baltic regions and in Europe as far back as 30,000 years ago, there has been a great value placed on them. It is thought by many that crystals have healing and cleansing properties... and that is how they are most known and used.

Ancient Sumeria and Ancient Egypt placed a mystical value on crystals and they were included in spells and magicks. Healing stones and protective amulets were part of their daily lives. Some had specific uses to enhance patients healing e.g

  • Boosting blood cells, 
  • Chickenpox,
  • Typhus,Influenza,
  • Typhoid,
  • Malaria,
  • Measles,
  • Tuberculosis,
  • Yellow Fever, 
  • Small pox, 
  • Bubonic plague. 

We can still expect this treatment in some of these diseases e.g boosting C D4counts, Low sex drive in men e.t.c
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Haunted Seals Of Solomon Key Pink Sapphire

Solomon Seals and
7 Ancient spells from Mwinyi Hamza
It is my honor to present this breathtaking magickal pendant. 
Made of 925 sterling silver and sparkling clear crystals with a pink sapphire heart. This pendant comes with a recharging chain.
This item was cast with the Seals of Solomon making it a desirable and powerful article. This beautiful piece was also cast with 7 spells from Mwinyi Hamza's book of shadows. Let Mwinyi Hamza was the Father of Chief Habib Mwinyi. His spells are known World wide and are what most modern magick is based upon today. Mwinyi Hamza was also a conjurer and taught his Son the powerful ways of the ancients.
The spells that are imbued on this lovely piece are:

1. Corde Tepente, which translates as "Warm Heart". This spell will balance the energies around you so that you can receive and give love naturally. It draws forth true and lasting relationships.
2. Sapientia Saeculorum, which translates as "Wisdom of the Ages". This spell will give you full access to the Akashic records as well as advice and guidance from your ancestors and guides.
3. Gladio Protectionis, which translates as "With Protection". This spell protects you from dark energies of all kinds including thoughts and actions from others.
4. Aurea Thesaurum, which translates as "Golden Treasure". This spell draws tremendous wealth to you in all forms.
5. Eximium Formae Decus, which translates as "Rarest Beauty". This spell helps you to not only see the rare beauty in all things, it enhances your beauty naturally allowing you to glow with a rare and desirable energy.
6. Medela, Cum Lux, which translates as "Healing Light". This powerful spell normalizes all body systems and helps you to ward off sickness as well as heal anything which may be out of balance.
7. Cristallo Pila, which translates as "Crystal Ball". This spell draws forth your prophetic abilities and helps you to see into the future where your best interest is involved.
The Seals Of Solomon that are on this talisman are:
1st Pentacle of Moon
Open's all doors and locks, no matter in what way they are fastened.

2nd Pentacle of Moon
Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.

3rd Pentacle of Moon
Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every danger from water.

4th Pentacle of Moon
Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul.

5th Pentacle of Moon
Protects against all Phantoms of the night which may cause restless sleep or nightmares, and aids in obtaining answers to questions or problems through dreams.

6th Pentacle of Moon
A wonderful magical talisman, designed to bring rain. Place it in water, and as long as it remains there, the rains will continue.

The First Pentacle of the Sun, the pentacle of the Archangel Metatron, for Great Divine Power..

The Second Pentacle of the Sun, serveth to repress the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits, which are altogether proud and arrogant by their nature.

The Fourth Pentacle of the Sun,serveth to enable thee to see the spirits when they appear invisible unto those who invoke them; because, when thou hast uncovered it, they will immediately appear visible.

The Fifth Pentacle of the Sun, serveth to invoke those spirits who can transport thee from one place unto another, over a long distance and in short time.
The Sixth Pentacle of the Sun, serveth excellently for the operation of invisibility.

1st Pentacle of Venus
Brings friendships to the possessor.

2nd Pentacle of Venus
For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart.

3rd Pentacle of Venus
This serves to attract love, respect, and admiration.

4th Pentacle of Venus
Of great power, this forces any person the owner desires to come to him or her.

5th Pentacle of Venus
The seal which excites great passion and desire when shown to another.

1st Pentacle of Saturn
Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor's wishes & requests.

2nd Pentacle of Saturn
Of great value when meeting with adversaries in business or competitions of any kind. It should be carried when looking for work or negotiating any financial contracts.

3rd Pentacle of Saturn
Good for protection against any plots made by others & for defense against evil spirits.

4th Pentacle of Saturn
This seal is liked by those who wish to impose their will upon others. It also alleged to bring good news to the possessor.

5th Pentacle of Saturn
Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own.

6th Pentacle of Saturn
Saturn - Pronounce an enemy's name and repeat 'Set thou a wicked one to be ruler over him.

7th Pentacle of Saturn
This Talisman is reputed to make others listen and believe the words of the wearer.

1st Pentacle of Mars
The Talisman for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments

2nd Pentacle of Mars
Serves with great success against all kinds of diseases when it is applied to afflicted parts.

3rd Pentacle of Mars
This seal is of value in resisting one's enemies, and for exciting wrath, discord & hostility among others.

4th Pentacle of Mars
Of great power of towards bringing victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind.

5th Pentacle of Mars
Causes all demons to obey the wishes of the possessor of this powerful seal.

6th Pentacle of Mars
The owner of this cannot be harmed. If attacked, the foe's weapon shall turn against him

7th Pentacle of Mars
The possessor pronounces the Divine Names of El and Yiai to bring confusion to one's enemies.

1st Pentacle of Mercury
Conveys personal magnetism upon the owner.

2nd Pentacle of Mercury
This Talisman is said to gain the impossible. granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.

3rd Pentacle of Mercury
Influences the written word, tending to make one eloquent in letters, papers, or any writing. Used by all who wish to impress others with there literary skills, particularly poets & authors.

4th Pentacle of Mercury
Assists in gaining knowledge & understanding in all things, and to penetrate the hidden thought of others.

5th Pentacle of Mercury
Serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it.

1st Pentacle of Jupiter
A Talisman for acquiring treasure for gaining business.

2nd Pentacle of Jupiter
The Magical Seal for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind.

3rd Pentacle of Jupiter
Defends & protects against any enemy & against any evil spirits which may linger near one's person or home.

4th Pentacle of Jupiter
Serves to acquire wealth and honor.

5th Pentacle of Jupiter
This hath great power to assure visions.

6th Pentacle of Jupiter
Protects form all earthly dangers.

7th Pentacle of Jupiter
It has great power against poverty.

There is no ritual for this talisman. Wearing will activate all powers in your favor.
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Solomon, Djinn Magick Ring of Command

I am now able offer one of the finest magical artifacts available for sale that you will have the chance to purchase. Many that study any tradition of magic have heard of the legendary ring of Solomon. There are many rings that are made claiming to be the replica of his legendary ring. I have seen many but have easily dismissed the sigils and symbols of such rings as inventions of non knowledgeable dabblers.

I am Chief Habib, and have researched and practiced middle eastern magic for 20 years. Ruhaniat is the common name for spiritual and magical arts of the middle east and the Ruhaniat has preserved what in my opinion to be a magical ring based on solomonic magic.

I hand craft each ring per order, using ritual and recitations along each step, from the base materials to the finished ring. I use only the finest Sterling Silver and Aqeeq (Carnelian) stone.

The ring combines the seal of Solomon along with magical words and the name of God in Arabic. Inside each point of the seal are ancient magical symbols that rule the seven days of the week and seven planets of magic.

The carnelian is allowed to touch your skin through the back of the ring which is very important, as it allows the ring's magic to flow from you and the seal.

This is the Ring of Command, it gives your intentions and will power a very large boost. Through the ring you may use your will to command your surroundings. You will be able to influence every aspect of life as well as other people, just remember that you can never take another's free will away from them. Trying this will back fire. Your will can never be greater than God's remember this as well.

Each magical symbol has servitor spirits (djinn) and Angels that will serve the intention and will of the master of the ring. The spirits will not be forced to do what they deem as unethical or anything against their beliefs.

This ring will allow you to command all areas of your life and will serve you well, the ring is very powerful but remember with power there is responsibility!

Use the ring to utilize planetary magic at it's fullest!

When your purchase this ring, I will ritually charge it to your name so that it will work for you and no one else.

This is your chance for all the success and the life that you have dreamed of.

A must have for any ceremonial magician.

Please remember, that this ring is hand crafted per order, the process of creation and consecration takes a few weeks before the ring is finished.
When you order please indicate your ring size, for the ring finger of the right hand.
To Perches You Must Be 18 And Older

Contact Us:

Phone: +27793007029


A Spirit Portal Box with Complete Binding Capabilities!
This Portal Summoning and Binding Box allows even relative beginners at magick to easily summon, conjure and bind Spirits and Entities of ANY type!
It has built in protections to allow only White Light and/or benevolent Dark Spirits through. For those more experienced, you can remove these protections to access ALL levels of Spirits. Of course this should only be done by one who has significant experience or uses their own protections.

Portal Boxes have been used for thousands of years to summon, conjure and communicate with Spirits and entities. They take many months, sometimes even years to create and are thus very rare and highly prized in the magickal and occult community.
True Portal Boxes very rarely come on the open market and those that do tend to be Spirit type specific. Only the very RAREST can summon and bind any Spirit/Entity of Light and/or Dark Powers.

This Portal Binding Box is one of these! A Dual Binding Portal.

This Portal Box has been created in such a way that no advanced ritual is needed. Simply say the short Summoning incantation and call forth the Spirits. Depending on your level of abilities you may directly communicate with them psychically or you may use a method such as a pendulum to connect and communicate. Once you have chosen a Spirit to bind it is very easy to release and banish those not chosen.
Then you simply place the chosen vessel within the box and close the lid.
A short incantation and you have a Spirited Vessel!
So easy yet so powerful and useful!
Whether you are one of the new breed of 'Spirit Collectors' or just a Practitioner seeking an easier way to summon, communicate with, conjure and/or bind helpful Spirits, this Portal Box will be invaluable!

You need NEVER purchase another Spirited Vessel!
You can now bind any you wish!
The more practiced you get, the more powerful your bindings will be!
Vampires both Psi and Sanguine, Dragons of all types, Lycans, Succubi/Incubi, Unicorns, Angels, Demons, Human 'Ghosts', Spirits, Entities and Astral Creatures of all types, etc...

The list is endless!
You may also use the Portal Box to communicate with Spirits both Human and Non-Human without binding them. The Portal can be just for that purpose if you so choose. These communication sessions can be used for guidance, gaining insight into past, present and future events, divination, contact with passed on loved ones, accessing ancient knowledge, learning of past lives, communicating to your Guardian Spirit Companion (guardian djinn / jinn) and more!
Keep in mind though-this box will only bind those Spirits who consent voluntarily-it will not create a forcible binding! Unless of course you are advanced enough to do that yourself. We will NOT provide you the instructions for forcible bindings! If you are advanced enough to do that, then you should know how without our instructions!

This is a beautiful hand crafted box. It is ornately inlayed with exotic woods. It has a repeating pattern of middle eastern design featuring the seal of Solomon used in high ritual Magick and spirit evocation and summoning. It is vintage and has a little wear and tear as shown in photos but this does not affect the power of it at all.
 There is no lining in this box it is all just natural wood. Please be aware that this is a VINTAGE piece and has been used by Elder Practitioners in our family for many years. It will not appear new but shows it's age. This does not affect the power of it at all.
The new holder of this box will be emailed all instructions after it arrives.

Be sure to email us and let us know it has arrived. Please allow a day or two for us to send the directions. Then you can begin to use it immediately!
NEVER Purchase another Pre or Custom Bound Spirit again! Do it yourself! Create Spirit Bound Energetics for friends and family! Offer them out to other 'collectors' and Practitioners!
Portal/Binding Boxes of this Dual Light/Dark type can sale for up to $10,000 dollars and more! We are doing a special price on this box




My grandfather was very adept at working with the FAE FOLK, a skilled conjurer of the DJINN. And he was peerless at be-spelling items with protections and chargings. Also he practices in the Dark Arts of NECROMANCY and DEMON binding. Together, My family's knowledge of The Craft is boundless, a compilation of 1,000's of years of experience in arcane and esoteric magicks.



Please know that some of our magickal items are often custom cast and/or created and crafted AFTER your purchase~only SOME are pre-cast/conjured and ready for Immediate shipment. Custom conjures and certain spells can take up to 14 days or more to complete. Please be aware of this.
Please know that some of our magickal items are often custom cast and/or created and crafted AFTER your purchase~only SOME are pre-cast/conjured and ready for Immediate shipment. Custom conjures and certain spells can take up to 14 days or more to complete. Please be aware of this.
We usually offer our free USA shipping by First Class and the Post Office can be a bit slow, especially for International First Class shipments AND around the Christmas Season. So be patient on delivery time which is out of our control. Customs delays can slow down the delivery of international mail. We strive always for 5 star service and hope you find ours to be of that level!


The United States heightened their security measures for packages shipped overseas on November 18, 2010. This has slowed down shipping times. Packages that used to take 7-10 days can take up to 4-6 weeks. We don't have any control over this, so please be patient if your package takes longer than expected. Shipping Priority or Express often ensures that it will be delivered within 3 to 10 days. So, if time is important to you, we suggest that you opt for the more expensive but faster shipping.


Please know that Delivery Confirmation is NOT actual Tracking nor is the International Custom Form number. These numbers are scanned in at time of mailing confirming the Post Office has the package and usually scanned again at the main mail sorting plant near here--AFTER that they do NOT usually update until AFTER delivery. If you wish true constantly updated tracking we can add that for an extra charge but it is very expensive.

You will generally receive an email from CHIEF HABIB when your item is shipped.
IF your item needs instructions~they are ALWAYS emailed~usually AFTER you notify me of safe receipt. NO INFO IS PUT IN THE PACKAGES FOR PRIVACY AND SECURITY REASONS IN CASE OF LOSS, MIS-DELIVERY, CUSTOMS INSPECTIONS, NOSY RELATIVES, etc...
We offer a money back 100% Satisfaction Guarantee so neutral or negative feedback need NEVER be an option. Please contact Me with ANY concerns.
We SHIP WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS unless special work is being done.


Sold As A Curio Only...Please Read the Disclaimer below!


Pursuant to the current United States Postal Service regulations and All information herein is from traditional or historical reference and intended to help you make an informed decision.

Contact Us:
Phone: +27793007029