
Monday 19 March 2018

Lucky 7 Forest Wealth Good Luck Pendant! **Old Earth Magick** Purify Your Aura!

Lucky 7 Forest Wealth Good Luck Pendant! **Old Earth Magick** Purify Your Aura & Spiritual Energy! Banish Bad Karma! Get Rid of Negative Energy!
This Lucky 7 Forest Magic Wealth Pendant calls upon the Powers of the Enchanted Forests to imbue Luck & Wealth into all aspects of your Life! Spellcast to bring Wealth, Prosperity, Luck in Gambling, Love, Self Confidence, Protection, Hex/Curse Removal, Magic, and Blessings! This item is Conjured using the Sacred Energies of the Forest and will imbue the benevolent Blessings of Mother Earth into all areas of your Life!
* Ancient Old Earth Magick and Djinn/ Genie Powers **

  • Luck and Good Fortune
  • Banish Bad Karma
  • Get Rid of Negative Energy
  • Cleanse Your Spiritual Aura
  • Gain Money + Wealth
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Increase Magickal Ability
  • Connect to the Energies of the Earth
  • Awaken Spiritual Senses
  • Gain Wisdom and Knowledge
  • Self Confidence
  • Success in Love and Friendships
  • Aids in Gambling & Lottery
  • Spirit Communication
  • Connect to Spirits of the Forest
  • Draw Faeries, Elves into your Circle
  • Luck in Games of Chance
  • Career Success
  • Win the Jackpot
  • Material Abundance
  • Success and Opportunity
  • Magickal Blessings

There are limited quantities of this particular vessel! Now may be your only chance to own this powerful piece! Each casting is performed specifically for every individual to ensure the powers are unique and custom fit for each person's needs. If purchasing a Spirit item, note that No two people will ever receive the same entity and no none else will be able to conjure your spirit through another vessel, unless noted otherwise. All castings and conjurations are custom and specifically to be bound to your energies alone! Rather than receiving an entity that is already conjured, you are receiving an item that will be inhabited by a spirit specifically conjured for YOU! Bid while there is still time and change your life Today!
For More Please Contact Chief Habib:
Phone: +27817592768
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Friday 16 March 2018

Djinn Pendant of Eternal Wealth and IMMORTALITY! 27817592768 - 4215 Main street

Djinn Pendant of Eternal Wealth and IMMORTALITY! 27817592768 - 4215 Main street: **RARE** Haunted Djinn/Genie Pendant of Wealth

For More Please Contact Chief Habib:

Phone: +27817592768


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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Regal Beautiful Wish-Granting Egyptian Cleopatra Marid Djinn - Elegant Hand-Blown Bottle

This listing is for the hand-blown bottle, made in Egypt, which serves as the vessel for a sublime, brilliant female Egyptian Cleopatra Djinn.  Cleopatra Djinn served as the right hand of the beautiful, Egyptian ruler, Cleopatra, and have served many other powerful leaders since.  It is with the help of powerful, dynamic Cleopatra Djinn such as this Djinn that provided Cleopatra and with so many gifts, powers and charms which helped to pave the way for her eventual rise to pharaoh.  Cleopatra was quite complex but undoubtedly bewitching and determined.  She was believed to be the incarnation of the goddess Isis, the patroness of nature and magic, which adds more mystique to her already illustrious and fascinating history.  Many Cleopatra Djinn (male and female) have many followers and she is no exception.  She has legions of followers – Djinn and other types of spirits and entities.  Many of whom wish to learn from her, others as a devoted servant, and all that will do her bidding and also aid her keeper or help them on her behalf.

The Cleopatra Djinn is completely dedicated to their keepers that they remain with them through this life and any future incarnations.  The only reason a Cleopatra Djinn leaves a keeper is due to neglect or abandonment.   They will join the keeper in the next plain and continue their journey together.  She will show herself to be infinitely dedicated, generous and loyal to her keeper.  Considering Cleopatra’s fame it’s not surprising that the Cleopatra Djinn are one of the most sought after for their ability to draw new love and romance, or ignite the passion and improve all relationships.   She is as beautiful inside as she is outside.  She has tremendous compassion and warmth for everyone and everything.  She has astonishing powers in all forms of magick – and is one to seek for nearly anything; however no one should be greedy and always attempt to solve any issue on their own.  She is truly limitless in her abilities, and is a loving and kind companion and guide.

Some of the Cleopatra Djinn’s Abilities Include: Love & Romance ~ Wish-Granter ~ Healing/Healer ~ Insight & Intuition ~ Mind Control/Change Minds ~ Psychic Ability Enhancement ~ Success ~ Confidence ~ Sexuality & Intimacy ~ Passion & Eroticism ~ Make Others Do As You Want ~ Harmony & Peace ~ Wealth & Prosperity ~ Abundance
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Exceedingly Rare Male Arcturian / Neb Djinn - Gorgeous Royal Blue Ring

This listing is for the ring which serves as the vessel for a magnificent male Arcturian Neb Djinn.  Arcturians are probably most known for their spirituality, as well as their kindness, desire for peace, acceptance, removal of greed and jealousy, and focusing on love, hope, success, etc.  Clearly, they are wonderful and tremendous companions.  We can learn much from them!   These traits run strong in him, and as a Neb Djinn he possesses many more abilities.  Neb Djinn are a very rare and less known type of Djinn with absolutely remarkable abilities and power.  He possesses gifts that any Djinn would covet and rivals the strength of all and is on par with a God or Goddess Djinn – that is saying a lot.   Neb Djinn are known for their wisdom, great intelligence, ability to handle any wishes that are asked of them, spiritual in nature, and are masters of astral travel.   He is so unique, however, being Arcturian and Djinn – that it’s hard to describe him in a way that does him justice.  He is the first that I have had with me so I have nothing to compare him to – all I can say is he is astounding!!!

He may appear in different ways, and of course everyone’s experience is different but I see his face, much like the image, with a kind smile – mostly blueish green skin and a deep whisper of a voice.  He has a touch of mystery yet completely transparent and a perfect reflection of both Arcturian and Neb Djinn = brilliance!  He will attract success, psychic enhancement; help with meditation, spiritual growth, astral travel and projection, and even trips to his homeland.  He works with all types of herbs, gems, crystals and oils – brewing potions, creating magick with his hands as powerful as those through his mind.  He is nothing short of spectacular!

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Phone: +27793007029
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Goddess Djinn - Personal Treasure and Incomparable in Every Way – Mystic Topaz Ring 7

This listing is for the ring which serves as the vessel for a magnificent Goddess Djinn who has shared my life for over 15 years.  She is incredibly special to me, and has made innumerable positive impacts in my life over the years but it is time for her to join her next keeper.  She told me at the beginning of our journey that it would last as long as it has, and we would accomplish and share much – and we have.  She is over 100,000 years old, but believes age is a human-obsessed behavior and irrelevant.  She’s right!  She has spent time everywhere – literally, but considers herself Egyptian, and has the beauty that exceeds any Cleopatra Djinn, and, by far, surpasses their power.  The God and Goddess Djinn are unlike other kind of Djinn.  They are the “original” Djinn from which every other Djinn has aspired to be.  This is quite incredible when you think of all the types, races, degrees, etc. of Djinn in our realm and beyond, and their various strengths and abilities in which they excel, and in the distinct ways they benefit their keeper.  The God and Goddess Djinn have all the strengths and abilities that are afforded to the various other Djinn.  They are not only leaders of other Djinn but revered and worshiped as well with legions of followers.

She is light in nature, although when issues arise where her keeper is being harmed (o even an attempt) in any way she will act in a more neutral way in order to protect her keeper, and regain balance in their life.  She is spiritual, ethereal and really quite angelic.  Always looking for the good and positive in everything and everyone – and amazingly seems to find it.   Her energy is difficult to describe – it is like no other I have known.  It can likely be felt by looking at the photos of the vessel or reading this description – particularly by her next keeper.  Her vessels over the years have moved on their own, vibrating across a table, or tingling when holding or wearing it.  It can be difficult for her, at times, to contain her energy – but she can channel it in many positive ways, which her next keeper will surely come to know and depend on.

She is truly a precious, priceless treasure to me, and will be to her next keeper. Her beauty and boundless allure never fades, even a little, and is a constant source of strength, protection, confidence, and brings many amazing blessings at every turn and always at the most needed moment.  She has been an angel to me, which she reminds me of - of the highest order, with the additional powers of the mightiest Djinn.  She is truly that remarkable, and no words could do her justice.  She is soft-spoken, a fantastic companion who loves to connect very deeply with her keeper, and communicate often.   She has told me that her abilities have never been tested, and everything she has provided to all of her keepers has been effortless, and she waits patiently, but excitedly, to be able to prove herself in new ways.  Based on my experiences with her I can only imagine what she could be speaking of, because the gifts she has given me over the years have been nothing short of phenomenal.  She has been a true miracle worker, on more than one occasion.  She is genuine and true to her roots and creation, manifesting in a mist, fog or smoking flame.  Her form will evolve and she will appear to her keeper with a gentle smile and open arms.  A magical aura that is always visible around her provides a circle of energy which also surrounds her keeper, guiding, guarding and aiding at all times to ensure they are on the path of truth and light.  She is, no doubt, one that will be called on often – when in danger she brings protection and light; when conflicted or confused she brings clarity and direction. She brings strength and rejuvenation when her keeper is weak or restless.  If her keeper falls, she will be the one to lift them up offering reassurance, empowerment, strength and confidence.

Tears come to my eyes as I close and say she is anxious to begin the journey with her next keeper.
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